Autumn comes to Akron, Ohio

Friends, this update is long overdue. I’m coming to you on the cusp of week eight of the semester, a semester where I am teaching both online and in person + online at the same time. It’s, as they say, a doozy. Little time for writing and sending work out. Dreaming about eventually getting caught up or being able to read a book for fun. Here are a few updates since my last post.

It was an honor to have two flash fiction pieces published in On the Seawall. Here’s a link to “More Harm Than Good” and “Late August Edition.”

You can also check out three new poems in The Adroit Journal issue 34: “Your Damage,” “A Gentle Reminder,” and “I Found Your Diary and It Was Blank.”

Big thanks to Verse Daily for featuring my poem “Open Letter on Absent Friends,” from Southern Indiana Review.

Sending best wishes to all!